Friday 2 June 2017

Medley meaning

Medley means a mixture or people or things

Friday 19 May 2017


In music we have been learning about periods in music I learnt about baroque.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Monday 6 March 2017

My 200 Word Story and Character Description

200 word story

Snow on the ground, bare trees, the cold breeze. This is my time, I walk round frost covering the ground with every step I take. I walk up to the top of a hill to look over all my work. My smile turns to a frown when I see a glow coming from the forest, she’s here, a girl walks out from the forest. Her blond hair with flowers through it, bright blue eyes, her long golden dress trailing behind her, you can see a couple of baby animals following her, It’s spring. “Hello winter, as lonely as ever I see,” she says with a fake smile, summer and spring seem to think that they are the best, that everyone loves their season so that makes them better than me and autumn. “Hi spring, as stuck up as ever I see,” her fake smile seems to fade and turn into an angered frown. “You’re just jealous of me and summer, you and autumn have always been jealous of us because we are the best seasons,” she yells at me, you can see she thinks she is 100% correct, but she’s not. After she says that she turns round to face all my hard work, “Really all you do in your season is make a mess for me to clean up,” as she says that I realize she is clearing up all my work. Making the grass turn green, clearing all the snow away, making the trees leaves come back bright green. I frown in disappointment, I work hard for three months making this winter wonderland and she just comes in and ruins it in 30 seconds, it doesn’t seem fair. I mean it happens to all the seasons, like I come in and ruin autumns work but at least I keep it around for as long as possible. Autumn always tells me about how summer gets angry when she comes in and changes the leaves, they just think they are the best. “Well goodbye, your season's done here so leave,” she tries to sound all nice but it doesn’t work. I walk down the hill to the HQ for all us seasons, it is where we go if it’s not you season. As I walk down I decided to annoy her a bit, I walk past a tree and touch it covering the branch in frost. I keep on walking as I hear spring yell in frustration, a chuckle escapes my mouth as I find HQ. As I walk into the room I find it getting warmer, oh no, she’s here. I keep walking and as I get closer there’s a bright light that burns my eyes, keeping on walking I get to the main room and standing right there, summer. “Oh, winter it’s you, why are you here?” she asks looking disgusted that I’m here.

“Umm, It is not my season, remember we have opposite seasons so we work at the same time,” she keeps looking at me disgusted, “ugh enough of this, I’m going to see autumn” as I leave the room I hear her say, “yeah go hangout with the other jealous lameo,” By that time I was already too far away to respond.

Character Description

You may know Mary the psychopathic murderer, but do you know Mary, the shy girl who doesn’t talk much, the girl who no one has seen angry or grumpy or any other mood other than happy. As we all know she was not always a murderer, she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and let curiosity take the best of her. We all know how it happened but do you know what she was like before, before the incident, before she killed her family and many others, before everything. Mary was a shy girl, she didn’t talk much if you ask her friends they would describe her as quite. Her mum tried to get her talk more but it never worked, she lost her dad at a very young age, she never was the same after that. She was self-conscious about her looks, never thought she was pretty. Her long blond hair was always down covering some of her face, she had bright blue eyes not that anyone would know. Her clothes were always bight because her mum thought if her clothes are dark and gloomy then she will be too. She felt like she was fat, and had too many pimples, she tried her best to hide her face. Nobody paid attention to her, I bet if you asked her friends they wouldn’t know what she liked to do, heck they probably don’t know her name. But after that day, the day that changed her life, the day she would call the best day in her life, she changed. Her hair, her personality, her style everything changed. She no longer kept her hair down but in a high, crazy ponytail, the only time that it would be down is if she wants to make her murders extra creepy. Her eyes are still blue, the only thing that has changed is the they almost look insane. She is always caught in black, white and grey, she is more hyper and crazy some even say mad. She doesn’t care what people think of her because if they don’t like her then they can take it up with her knife as it skins your face off. There you go she was completely different than before that fabulous, wonderful, life changing day.

Friday 2 December 2016

English: Final Ad!!!!!

1. The purpose of this ad is to inform people about a fun movie night.
2. The main image is a movie theater because it's a movie night and with a theater as the background people straight away know that it has to do with movies.
3. I chose red for the main colour because one it's a stand out colour and two when I think movies I think popcorn and popcorn from the movies is usually in a red container.
4. I didn't really use any language features in my ad.
5. My target audience kids and families, you can tell this because the poster looks family friendly.
6. The message in this ad is to tell people come to this movie night and you will have a fun night that you would regret spending money on.
7. The skills I've learned is the feelings behind colour and what makes a good advert, now if i want to advertise anything for some reason I know how to make the ad persuasive.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

English: Pictures

All done on be funky.

Our learning objective is to manipulate digital images to create interesting and powerful effects. This ad advertises a music company 

Friday 18 November 2016